Zain Ali

Proficient in ArcGIS Pro, ERDAS Imagine, SQL, Python, Java, and R

Nearby Sports Fields in Mississauga

In this project, we collected multiple sports field datasets and utilized ArcGIS Online's Instant App to calculate the distance and direction from any location to a sports field within the designated area.
Tools Used: ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online: Instant App

Transit App for Mississauga

In this project we created a transit application in Java for the City of Mississauga that tracks and calculates fares for anyone who uses a travel card.
Programming Language: Java

Change Detection in Landcovers

In this project, I conducted image registration to align images accurately and classified images through supervised classification before performing change detection in ERDAS. This analysis allowed me to identify and assess changes that occurred between two images, providing valuable insights into the evolving landscape.
Tools Used: ArcGIS Pro, ERDAS Imagine

Air Quality in New York

In this project we conducted spatial interpolation and clustering analysis to identify areas with high/low air pollution levels in New York and neighboring states, highlighting the impact of urban centers on pollutant concentrations.
Programming Language: R


Mississauga, ON


(437) 421-1636

